A directory of service providers and healthcare professionals who can help your kids.
Whocanhelpmykid.com connects the dots between what children and parents need and the people who are able to help them.
With a number and a name.
Featured Listings
Jana Vermeulen Educational Psychologist
- +264 83 607 8345
- August 9, 2023
Sandra van Schalkwyk Educational Psychology
- +26481 428 0100
- August 9, 2023
Biolink Brain Training
- +26481 472 0056
- August 9, 2023
Swakopmund Occupational Therapy
- +264 811224310
- July 10, 2023
Kosette van Zyl Occupational Therapy
- +264 464104
- July 10, 2023
Melanie Landman Speech & Language Therapy
- +264813152626
- July 10, 2023
Stories from the village
Career and subject choice advisors http://www.gostudy.mobi/ http://www.sun.ac.za/english/maties/career-advice Fundiconnect.co.za Educational Psychologists https://www.psychologynamibia.org/practitioners Academic assistance and study method support Extra classes for Namibian curriculum: …
“We eventually came to understand that ADHD is merely a symptom of ESSENCE (Early Syndromes Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examination). Nobody had all …
I did not like being pregnant. I did not like the morning sickness that lasted all day and felt like a perpetual …
Before I had my first child, I had expected I’d be a natural when it came to breastfeeding, because my mother was …
On the 10th of August, whocanhelpmykid.com will host another session of THE FUTURE OF WORK ’23, presented by Debbie Rowles, the magical Solutionist and Strategic Thinker behind Think Human Being.
Be part of a trusted network that will build your practice or
business whilst serving the child-rearing community.
You might just be their answer.
They might just be yours.
Easy. Affordable. And essential.
Whats Missing?
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know!
Expanding the list is an ongoing process and by no means complete or final.
Send us an email to info@whocanhelpmykid.com and we will do our best to find the missing link.
Please note that having a listing in this directory does not imply that the service provider is, in any way, endorsed by whocanhelpmykid.com
This directory is a place to start, with a number to call. You must still investigate and determine if a service provider is suitable for your specific needs.